Friday, February 25, 2011

A Return to Love

I have had the most amazing and wonderful feeling of peace fill my soul since yesterday's incident in the car.  I have not felt like this in a long time, if ever.  It is crazy how just a few simple thoughts can completely change you.

I lived in a state of denial for most of my life.  Even though I knew I was not happy deep down inside, I kept myself distracted with school and working.  I was brought up to act like you are happy even if you are not.  A few years ago it hit me how sad I really was and I didn't understand why.  I realize now it was because I had suppressed all the negative feelings over the years.  

Over the past few years I have accumulated a lot of self-help books, cds, and programs but unfortunately never took the time to read or study them.  Last night, I was really drawn to a book that I have had on my bookshelf for awhile.  It is called "A Return to Love" by Marianne Williamson.

This book is absolutely amazing!  I could not put it down last night!  It is filled with such amazing words even from page one.  The following is a few of the amazing thoughts that really struck me - and this is just the "Introduction" to the book!

When we were born, we were programmed perfectly.  We had a natural tendency to focus on love.

So what happened?  We were taught to think unnaturally.  We were taught to think thoughts like competition, struggle, sickness, finite resources, limitation, guilt, bad, death, scarcity, and loss.  We were taught that things like grades, being good enough, money, and doing things the right way, are more important than love.

Love is what we were born with.  Fear is what we have learned here.  The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love back into our hearts.

Love is the essential existential fact.  It is our ultimate reality and our purpose on earth.  To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life.

We came here to co-create with God by extending love.  Life spent with any other purpose in mind is meaningless, contrary to our nature, and ultimately painful.

Wow!  It made me realize how I have been focusing on the wrong things for a long time now.  I have always believed in God but I notice now how I have got caught up in the worldly things.  No wonder I have been so unhappy! 

Thank you Marianne Williamson!  I have heard your name because of the Oprah show but I did not realize how incredible and life changing your material was!  I am so glad I picked up your book last night and I can't wait to finish reading it! 

I am ready to return to love!

xo Sparkles

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