Monday, February 28, 2011

The Perfect You

It took a lot of strength and courage today but I did it.  I moved out and I am now staying at my parents.  It was very sad to pack my things and take them away from the place I call "home" where I wanted to start a family with the man I loved.  But I trust that God is bringing me to a place where I will learn to have peace and happiness, and it can't be found in a house filled with so much negativity. 

I am trying not to focus on the sadness.  If nothing else, I have a quiet room where I can focus on figuring out my goals and how to achieve them.  That is what I will be working on tonight and post my goals later.

I will now move on to Chapter 3 from "A Return of Love" by Marianne Williamson.  This chapter was amazing and very eye-opening!

"Nothing you do or think or wish or make is necessary to establish your worth."

You are a child of God.  You were created in a blinding flash of creativity, a primal thought when God extended Himself in love.  Everything you've added on since is useless.

The perfect you isn't something you need to create, because God already created it.  The perfect you is the love within you.  Your job is to allow the Holy Spirit to remove the fearful thinking that surrounds your perfect self.

This really hit me hard!  When I think about, I am basically afraid of everything!!  Small things such as spiders, snakes, bugs, heights, falling, darkness, etc.  But also bigger things that can affect me from achieving my goals - disappointing people, making a mistake, failing - just to name a few.  No wonder I feel like I have not achieved a lot lately - I am letting my failures from the past scare me from even trying anything new now!

Here is another paragraph from Chapter 3 that really hit me:

In every situation, the love you've given is real, and the love you have received is real.  Nothing else exists.  Anything other than love is an illusion.  In order to escape that illusion and find inner peace, remember that only love in a situation is real.  Everything else is a mistake and does not exist.  It must be forgotten.  We must consciously be willing to let it go.

So if a situation does not turn out the way you want, or is not filled with love, then we must forget it and let it go.  I know that this is very hard for most people.  Almost everyone I know likes to hold on to the negative situations that happen and continue to complain about them and not let them go (including myself).  This is definitely something that I need to work on.

Another amazing paragraph from Chapter 3:

The only thing lacking in any situation is our own awareness of love.  In asking the Holy Spirit to help us, we are expressing our willingness to perceive a situation differently.  We give up our own interpretations and opinions, and ask that they be replaced by His.  When in pain, we pray, "Dear God, I am willing to see this differently."  Surrendering a situation to God means surrendering to Him our thoughts about it.  What we give to God, He gives back to us renewed through the vision of the Holy Spirit.

This chapter has been absolutely incredible.  Even though I am just on Chapter 3, I would definitely recommend this book to everyone!  It really is life changing!

Even though I prayed for a change in my marriage and I expected a positive change that would bring us closer together and not me leaving - I am going to do what the book suggests and pray to God to let me see this situation differently, to have a new perspective.  I have faith that he knows what he is doing to help me bring peace and happiness into my life, because I have been relying on myself for a long time now and have not been happy.

If you have situation that you do not understand and need help with, remember that you are not alone and you can always go to God to get a "new" perspective on the situation.

Wishing you peace and happiness,

xo Sparkles

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